Never do these silly mistakes during exam

a student studying for exam

Has it ever happened to you? You get outside of exam hall submitting your answer sheet being proud of yourself for doing all the questions and meanwhile your class mates are discussing that ONE QUESTION you didn't see in the question paper. 
That one question which successfully hid among other similar texts that you didn't even see. To make the situation worse, you find out that same question carries a huge mark.
During the exams, even though we try our best in paper as well as in studying but still sometimes, these tiny little mistakes we do that increase our stress to another level and tends to get angry at ourselves for being so stupid.

"Silly mistakes" we call them.

Here, I am going to share the most silliest mistakes that I and many of us have done during board .

Every body wants to forget about these stressing things and move on. So do I but I also would like to mention these things so that you can prevent yourself from doing it.

These are the silliest mistakes you should avoid during exams:

1. Not checking your question paper at first :

It does not even take more than a minute to carefully check your question paper. So always, check it before directly writing on your answer sheet.
During my class 12th board, I did the paper of old course instead of new course. Some questions paper have two sets one for new course and another for old one. Old course is for those who are giving the exam again to upgrade their grades.
Many times, students do not realise this and start writing answers directly.
Some are fortunate enough that their invigilator reminds them about it.  Mine didn't and I ended up doing questions from old course.

What I would advise you to do is seperate the sets by tearing it on the middle and only put your set on your desk and throw  away the another which you are not supposed to do.
I didn't fail but it did affect my grades.

2. Leaving a question because you didn't see it at all 

It's the same problem that I mentioned in the intro of the blog. It is stressing to find out that you miss the question not because you didn't know the answer but because you didn't see at all.
However, one trick that has always worked for me is ticking the question that you have completed in the question paper. It will give a clear visual of the questions that you finished and that hasn't been finished.

This way, you can prevent your poor eye sight without even wearing spectacles.

3. Forgetting your admit card

board as reminder

I have no idea why but it sounds really funny as well as scary to me. During my 12th board, one guy in the exam hall forgot his admit card and had to wait until his relative brought the card. 
I won't say that you should never forget your card because you are not a nursery kid. And if you forget your card then you are either careless or you have Alzheimer.

4. Writing answer without understanding the question first

writing in exam
You know what I am taking about.  After coming out of the exam hall, the question makes a different sense that it made in exam hall. Crazy, right? Moreover, most of us don't even read the question carefully instead we read the keywords and start writing whatever we know about that keyword.
Stop doing that. Understand the question carefully and try to hit on the head of it.

So, these are the most silliest mistakes I have come up with. But now you have read this piece of information, I hope you do not repeat these mistakes. 

Tell me in the comment box about the mistakes you have done in your exam or anything you want to add in the lists.


  1. Your friends, and juniors need this at this point of time. Please put it on the social network too!


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